1 Then Jacob went on
his journey, and came into the land of the people of the east.2 As he looked, he saw a well in the
field, and, three flocks of sheep lying beside it; for out of that
well the flocks were watered: The stone on the well’s mouth was large.3 and when all the flocks were gathered there, the shepherd would roll the stone from the mouth, of the well and water the sheep, and put
the stone back in its place on the mouth of the well. Jacob said to them, "My brothers,
where do you come from?" They said, "We are from Haran" 5 He said to them, "Do you know Laban son
of Nahor?" They said, "We do."6. He said to them, Is it well with him?" "Yes," they replied, "and, here is , his daughter Rachel coming with the sheep.
(Genesis chapter 29 verses 1 to 6)
After receiving blessings from God Jacob continued his
journey and finally reached the land of the people of the east. Jacob found a well in a field and there were three flocks of sheep near the
well waiting to be watered. However in order to give water to the flocks of sheep on top of the well was a stone or a rock that was used, to control the flow
of water. Jacob asked one of the shepherds about Laban's whereabouts. They replied that they knew Laban the son of Nahor. Moreover in relation to his well being they said that he was well and that his daughter Rachel was coming with
the sheep.
In previous chapter Jacob was sent away by his
father on a journey that Jacob he did not know how long it would take him what
difficulties he would face during his journey. However Jacob was assured by God that
he would look after him. Moreover God had fulfilled part of His promise by means of Jacob and his safe arrival to the land of the people of the east who were his father's relatives.
Even today God promises us whenever we follow God's will He will be with us, even though like Jacob and many others, we may face many difficulties. More over during such challenging moments we may sometimes start to doubt if God is on our side or not but in fact and in reality and truth God is
always by our side he is always there for us and ready to help us especially during the challenging moments of our life.
7. He said, "Look, it is still broad daylight: it is not time for the animals to be gathered together: Water the sheep, and go and pasture them .8 But they said, "We cannot, until all the
flocks are gathered together, and the stone is rolled the from the mouth of the well ; then we water the sheep".
(Genesis chapter 29 verses 7 to 8)
Jacob commented that the day had already had advanced in time for both the flock and the men however the sheep cannot be watered until all the flocks are gathered together.
In these
verses just as the shepherds are responsible for the well-being of sheep by watering them taking care of them. We are also like the sheep in the sense that we cannot be saved only on our own but even as a community and or Church. We are like the sheep, waiting on God our shepherd to give us his life giving water (blessings) He blesses us guides and takes care
of us just like a shepherd. Without him there would be no one to take care of us, we would wander alone, in this world alone without no aim or sense of direction our life would be utter chaos.
9. While he was still speaking with them, Rachel came with her father's sheep; for she kept them. 10 Now when
Jacob saw Rachel the daughter of his mother’s brother Laban, and the sheep of his mother’s brother Laban, Jacob went up and rolled the stone from the
well’s mouth, and watered the flock of his mother’s brother Laban. 11 Then Jacob kissed Rachel, and wept aloud. 12 And Jacob told Rachel that he was her
father’s kinsman, and that he was Rebekah’s son: and she ran and told her
father. 13 When Laban heard the news of his sister’s son Jacob, he ran to meet him: he embraced him,
and kissed him, and brought him to his house. Jacob told Laban all these
things. 14 and Laban said to him, "Surely you are my
bone and my flesh!". And he stayed with him a month.
(Genesis chapter 29 verses 9 to 14)
Jacob was still speaking Rachel arrived with her father's sheep since she
was a shepherd. On seeing Rachel the daughter of Laban his mother’s brother
with her father's sheep Jacob took a liking to her. God may have placed these positive feelings in Jacob to help start of the long lasting relationship that would in time lead to their marriage.
In His relationship with us God also stimulates our feelings and ideas in order to help enable and nourish His relationship with us. On realising that the situation was from God, Jacob took responsibility for the situation and was not passive, he went to the well rolled away, the stone from the well mouth
and watered the flocks of Laban his mother's brother
Jacob greets Rachel and told her about himself and his father's relationship with her father Laban. On reflecting we can ask ourselves the following question. When meeting others, especially people who do not believe in God, do we proclaim to them that we are Christians, and that God is our father? Do we believe in the good news of the Word of God or is it all one big fairy tale?
On having witnessed the good news Rachel went to share it with Laban. On receiving the good news of the Word of God we are also to share it with joy to others and not keep it for our selves. On receiving the good news Laban came and embraced him, greeted him and brought him to his house, however his intention was different from that of Rachel and Jacob. Laban was aware that God had been with Abraham, and that his wealth had increased greatly. Therefore being hospitable to Jacob would been benefiting from that same bounty and riches, that even Jacob had inherited through the status of being the son of Abraham. Moreover Jacob told Laban about the will of God that stated that he would marry one of his daughters. I would imagine that during this communication Jacob referred directly to Rachel whom he had just met and loved at first sight. On the other hand Laban who welcomed the messenger's prospective wealth more than the messenger and the will of God accepted to welcome Jacob in his home for a month.
Not all people accept God in their lives with the same agenda. Unlike some people there are those who have a crooked agenda which does not have a good end. However there are others such as Jacob who placed their trust in God and such people are never on the wrong track because God our father guides us in our ways end ensures our well being and protects us from evil ways.
On having witnessed the good news Rachel went to share it with Laban. On receiving the good news of the Word of God we are also to share it with joy to others and not keep it for our selves. On receiving the good news Laban came and embraced him, greeted him and brought him to his house, however his intention was different from that of Rachel and Jacob. Laban was aware that God had been with Abraham, and that his wealth had increased greatly. Therefore being hospitable to Jacob would been benefiting from that same bounty and riches, that even Jacob had inherited through the status of being the son of Abraham. Moreover Jacob told Laban about the will of God that stated that he would marry one of his daughters. I would imagine that during this communication Jacob referred directly to Rachel whom he had just met and loved at first sight. On the other hand Laban who welcomed the messenger's prospective wealth more than the messenger and the will of God accepted to welcome Jacob in his home for a month.
Not all people accept God in their lives with the same agenda. Unlike some people there are those who have a crooked agenda which does not have a good end. However there are others such as Jacob who placed their trust in God and such people are never on the wrong track because God our father guides us in our ways end ensures our well being and protects us from evil ways.
15 Then Laban said to
Jacob, Because you are my kinsman, should you therefore serve me for
nothing? Tell me, what shall your wages be? 16 Now Laban had two daughters: the name of
the elder was Leah, and the name of the younger was Rachel. 17 Leah's eyes were lovely, and Rachel was graceful and beautiful. 18 Jacob loved Rachel; so he said, I will
serve you seven years for your younger daughter Rachel ." 19 Laban said, " It is better that I give
her to you, than that I should give her to any another man: stay with me. 20 So Jacob served seven years for Rachel;
and they seemed to him but a few days, because of the love he had for her.
(Genesis chapter 29 verses 15 to 20)
Laban asks Jacob the price or wages that he expected for him, since Laban did not expect Jacob to give him free labour on the account that he was his relative. Making it simply we can infer that logically it follows that everybody or almost everybody has a price, and that nobody would wilfully give free service. However this is not always the case. There are many people who work on a voluntary basis and expect nothing in return. Jesus said that all that we do for others is as if we are doing it for him. When we give of our time, money, love, care and so on, in order to help others this is a very noble act. The world would be a much better place, if we would foster this attitude of thinking or being actively concerned about others, as much or more than we are concerned about our own needs and affairs.
Jacob who at this point of his spiritual journey was still a novice named his price, that was Rachel the daughter of Laban. If we were to make a choice between material needs such as wealth, fame etc over the choice of our salvation, I wonder what our choice would be. The options would be based on two criteria, have fun on earth and perish in hell as a consequence. I do not wish to give the impression that God wants us to be sad, downcast or depressed in order to reach our salvation, however on the other hand, we have to make a distinction between the joy and pleasures given by the world, to the pleasures and joy and tribulations that are, given to us by God as a consequence of following his ways.
had two daughters. The elder daughter's name was Leah, while the name of her sister was Rachel. Rachel was beautiful both in form and in appearance, however, Leah's eyes were weak and was not beautiful in appearance. On reflecting these two categories have particular significance. There are people, who according to the standards given by the world, are cool, rich and sexy, however, on a spiritual level, they are ugly because the presence of God does not dwell in them. On the other hand there are also people who are not as handsome in appearance (men and women, I am not a sexist or against beautiful people since God made all beautiful, the reflection of Himself) and when analysing their spiritual life, they are extraordinary in both their belief and better still in their actions or and ministry or service to others. In a nutshell on reflecting, spiritual beauty is far better than only physical beauty, however the balance is always the best. On the other hand, I cannot imagine anyone who marries a woman who is a saint in character and a terror in appearance, so much that he has to wear dark glasses to avoid seeing him or her.
While going back to our text we can reflect, that Laban noticed that Jacob showed sincere love for Rachel and accepted his offer for the hand of Rachel. So
Jacob gave Laban seven years of service in order to have Rachel as his wife. Due to the fact that Jacob really loved Rachel the seven years seemed to be as if only a few days. On reflecting we can ask our selves if we enjoy spending time with God or not, whether the time we spend in service to others is tedious or enjoyable in the sense that we are being of service to both God and others, even though this may be of a sacrifice of our resources, of which time may be one of our rarest possessions.
As previously mentioned Laban's agenda was totally materialistic in contrast to that of Jacob, who was following the will of God and his parents. During our everyday life we may meet many people such as Laban who may harm us and even others by committing sins due to our many
emotions based on drives such as greed, envy, etc.
As is written in verses 15 to 20 from chapter twenty-nine of the book of Genesis, Laban as a consequence of his greed tried to take advantage of the, situation and accepted that Jacob would serve him for seven
years in exchange of his younger daughter to which Jacob gave his consent, since
he loved Rachel . Similarly we should not take advantage of other's sensitive situations as it may directly or indirectly hurt them, because using other's weaknesses and hurting them is a great sin that one can commit, however, it was as a consequence of Jacob's love towards Rachel that he accepted the conditions of work and served Laban for seven years .Similarly If
we truly love God in our lives if we truly trust Him then we are able to
overcome any difficulty in our life and there is no force on earth that can break this bond
between us.
21 Then Jacob said to Laban, "Give me my
wife, that I may go in unto her, for my time is completed. 22 So Laban gathered together all the people of the place, and made a feast. 23 But in the evening, that he
took his daughter Leah and brought her to Jacob; and he went in into her. 24 (Laban gave his maid Zilpah to his daughter Leah to be her maid.) 25 When morning came, it was Leah! And Jacob said to Laban, "What is this you have done to me? Did I not serve with you for Rachel? Why then have you deceived me? 26 Laban said, "This is not done in
our country, giving the younger before the firstborn. 27 Complete the week, of this one, and we will give you the other also in return for serving me another seven years. 28 Jacob did so, and completed her week: then Laban gave him his daughter Rachel as a wife. 29 (Laban gave his maid Bilhah to his daughter Rachel to be her maid.) 30 So Jacob went in to Rachel also unto Rachel, also and he loved Rachel more than Leah. He served Laban for another seven years.
(Genesis chapter 29 verses 21 to 29)
After having completed the required seven years Jacob asked Laban to give him, his younger daughter since his
service was complete. Laban agreed and gathered the people of the place and
made a feast. During the late hours of the night Laban, took his daughter Leah and brought her to
Jacob who, was unaware that she was Leah, and Jacob slept with her until, morning, when he
realised that it was Leah and not Rachel with whom he had slept. Jacob went to Laban wanted to know why Laban had been deceptive in his ways, especially when considering that, he had served him for seven years for
Rachel and not Leah. Laban shrewdly replies
that according to the customs of his country the younger one is not given before the older one, and that if
he wanted Rachel he had to serve him for another seven years. Since Jacob loved Rachel he
agreed to stay another seven years.
always watches, over us. He know us very well more than we can ever know our selves. Due to the fact that God is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient He is always aware of our actions both positive and negative. He is a kind father who does not punish us for our
sins however as sinners we are expected to atone for them no matter what either on earth or in heaven or hell.
in case of Jacob he deceived both brother Esau and his father Isaac by receiving the blessing that was legally meant to be for Esau as the first born son. In a nice way instead of punishing Jacob for his deception God permitted Jacob to be deceived by Laban. God acts in the same way with us. He hates our sins, but loves us as sinners and does not permit us to receive a punishment that is beyond our capacity to handle. Unlike humans, who administer the death penalty, abort children or commit euthanasia, in order to justify themselves and their actions or in order to bring about what they consider as being justice God shows love and mercy, without being unjust in His ways.
31 When the LORD saw that Leah was unloved,
he opened her womb: but Rachel was barren. 32 Leah conceived, and bore a son, and she named him Reuben; for she said, "Because the LORD has looked on my
affliction; surely now my husband will love me. 33 She conceived again, and bore a son;
and said, "Because the Lord has heard that I was hated, he has given
me this son also" and she named him Simeon. 34 Again she conceived and bore a son;
and said, "Now this time my husband will be joined to me, because I have borne him three sons": therefore he was named Levi. 35 She conceived again, and bore a son:
and she said, "This time I will praise the LORD"; therefore she named him Judah; then she ceased bearing.
(Genesis chapter 29 verses 31 to 35)
When the Lord saw that Leah was hated and not loved as much as Rachel by Jacob he blessed her
with a child and she bore a son which she called named Reuben, because she felt that God, had looked upon the misery of her situation. Leah thought that now her husband would love her. She
conceived again and bore a son and felt that God had heard that she was being
hated and she gave Jacob another son whom she named Simeon. God has mercy on the misery of our situations and does not permit us to remain in the stinking depths of our sins.
Since Leah conceived three sons to her husband Jacob she thought he would love her more but as in everyday life this was not the case. A lot of women fall into such trap and decide to entice their partners into having children in order to save the relationship, however this at times backfires, and the women have to bear the consequences of their crooked intentions.
Leah named her the third son Levi and again she was conceived and bore a son and this time she thanked God for giving her four sons and she, named the fourth son Judah. Thanks giving is very important. During our everyday interactions it is considered to be good manners to say 'thank you'. On a spiritual level God also appreciates when we reciprocate in an attitude of thanksgiving to Him. After having had given birth to four sons she stopped giving birth. God permits everything to happen for a reason that, as humans we may not always understand, this is the case also in the case of Leah. God has the faculty of making a person fertile to serve his cause, while on the other hand He has the same faculty to make another barren, in order to serve his cause.
Since Leah conceived three sons to her husband Jacob she thought he would love her more but as in everyday life this was not the case. A lot of women fall into such trap and decide to entice their partners into having children in order to save the relationship, however this at times backfires, and the women have to bear the consequences of their crooked intentions.
Leah named her the third son Levi and again she was conceived and bore a son and this time she thanked God for giving her four sons and she, named the fourth son Judah. Thanks giving is very important. During our everyday interactions it is considered to be good manners to say 'thank you'. On a spiritual level God also appreciates when we reciprocate in an attitude of thanksgiving to Him. After having had given birth to four sons she stopped giving birth. God permits everything to happen for a reason that, as humans we may not always understand, this is the case also in the case of Leah. God has the faculty of making a person fertile to serve his cause, while on the other hand He has the same faculty to make another barren, in order to serve his cause.
As I previously mentioned, God is omnipotent,
omnipresent and omniscient he always watched over us he know us very well each
of our action, emotions, though, he always listens to us and our prayer and helps us in our difficulties by blessing us. God's blessing may come in different forms, such as sending us help at a critical time in our life, or by or by means of a miracle that may humanly be considered as being a coincidence but in truth it would be the
will of God in action. According to His will we are never unhappy, however it highly depends on ones ability and will to choose to live and act according to His will. God helps us to live according to His ways. As seen in this chapter in the case of Jacob Rachel and Leah God intervenes in the situation in order to help improve Jacob's love for Leah to increase so that his hatred of her would change to love and care, however ultimately God also depends on our cooperation in order to see His plan actually fulfilled. Therefore we are to always place our trust in God for he is always with us.
I would
like to end this chapter with the following prayer:
God thank you for the promises you have
made for my own good. Thank you for being the shepherd of my life. When considering that today the world is
filled with much insecurity, fear, war, and worry, etc. It is You who gives me the strength
to face all these challenges. Without you I would be a helpless child without any support.
you God
(Chapter 29 was written by Mr. Deevain ajit pawar)
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