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Sunday, 29 December 2013

Genesis Chapter 18




1. The LORD appeared to Abraham by the oaks of Mamre, as he sat at the entrance of his tent in the heat of the day.

(Genesis chapter 18 verse 1)

After having been given the promise by God Abraham continued with his daily life, however he knew, that when touched by the presence of God life would never be the same again. 

2. He looked up and saw three men standing near him. When he saw them, he ran from the tent entrance to meet them, and bowed down to the ground.

(Genesis chapter 18 verse 2)

Apparently from his position in the tent Abraham had a bird's eye view of all passers by, and in turn invested his time in being hospitable to others. On reflecting we can consider about how we invest our time, whether we invest our energy, in our selves and needs, or whether we invest our time in helping others, in catering for their needs.

3. He said, "My lord, if I find favor with you, do not pass by your servant.

(Genesis chapter 18 verse 3)

It was as if Abraham sensed that his visitors where of a divine nature. Although Abraham was not aware of the identity of his visitors, his declaration confirms that they were of God or were sent by God Himself.

4. Let a little water be brought, and wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree. 5 Let me bring a little bread, that you may refresh yourselves, and after that you may pass on-since you have come to your servant." So they said, "Do as you have said."

(Genesis chapter 17 verses 4 to 5)

Abraham manifested courtesy and kindness according to the rituals and or customs of the times, lacking in nothing in order to be the perfect host. In humility Abraham took on the role of the servant, thus considering his visitors as his superiors. This is to be our attitude as Christians. In a spirit of Humility we are never to be proud when in the company of others. Moreover when serving others indirectly we are being of service to God, therefore we would never be proud in our attitude to God but would show love, care and respect, if we believed that the person before us was God. Therefore in order to always be ready, we are to believe that in every person there is the presence of God and that when being of service to others we are being of service to God.

Verse 5 is of particular significance. Do as you have said. Many times we do not do as we have said. Even as Christians, at times there is a discrepancy between what we profess to believe or hold as being part of our faith, to what we really practice and or hold as being the truth especially where God and his 'Word' is concerned.

6. And Abraham hastened into the tent to Sarah, and said. "Make ready quickly three measures of choice flour, knead it, and make cakes." 7 Abraham ran to the herd, and took a calf, tender and good,  and gave it to the servant, who hastened to prepare it. 8 Then he took curds and milk and the calf that he had prepared, and set it before them; and he stood by them under the tree while they ate.

(Genesis chapter 18 verses 6 to 8)

In a short time Abraham prepared a meal fit for a king. On reflecting on verses 6 to 8, it can be noticed that the verbs used all reflect speed and action. However on, having finished his task, Abraham adopted a relaxed stance and patiently waited on his guests.

Once we have accomplished the will of God we feel at peace within ourselves and also with others because we are living the peaceful presence of God, who is experienced especially by those who give more than by those who receive. 

9. They said to him, "Where is your wife Sarah? And he said, "There, in the tent." 10. Then one said, " I will surely return to you in due season, and your wife Sarah shall have a son." And Sarah was listening at the tent entrance behind him.

(Genesis chapter 18 verses 9 to 10)

By means of the visitors God confirms his promise to Abraham and his wife Sarah who was listening from inside the tent. On reflecting on verses nine and ten it can be concluded that there are people who have a personal relationship with God, while there are others such as Sarah who worship God from a distance and safe place such as the tent.

It can also be observed that God does not intervene haphazardly but respects the norms of time and space and intervenes in time and not out of time in human relations.

11. Now Abraham and Sarah were old, advanced in age; it had ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women. 12 So Sarah laughed to herself, saying, "After I have grown old, and my husband is old, shall I have pleasure?"

(Genesis chapter 18 verses 11 to 12) 

Like in the case of humans, God is totally aware of our human limitations. Facts will always remain facts according to our perception. Moreover as humans it is not easy to make the leap of faith and discard the facts of life as ascribed by human nature. Our first reaction might be that of disbelief or even ridicule, however to those who have made a direct or indirect experience of God the reaction is totally opposite. God has the capacity to go beyond human logic and create new opportunities to make his plans for us unfold, so never lose heart and keep on praying even though, you might not perceive a dim ray of light in your situation.

13. The LORD said to Abraham, "Why did Sarah laugh, and say, 'Shall I indeed bear a child, now that I am old? 14 Is there anything too wonderful for the LORD? At the set time I will return to you in due season, and Sarah shall have a son." 15 But Sarah denied, saying, " I did not laugh"; for she was afraid. He said, "Oh yes, you did laugh."

(Genesis chapter 18 verses 13 to 15)

Verses thirteen to fifteen confirm that the visitors were from God. In fact God in person addresses Abraham and reveals Himself to Abraham as being the LORD. God confirms that there is nothing beyond his capacity. Moreover, He can do anything that is for our own good.

Abraham who made a direct experience of God accepted Him at His Word, on the other hand Sarah who made the same experience but from a distance still manifested signs of doubt. In order to cover up her guilt she denied her sinful action, however the light of the truth as manifested in God through Abraham can never be denied and Abraham was not convinced by Sarah's declaration. In life we are to rely on God's Word and his messages that are given to us by means of the Roman Catholic Church, than those messages given to us, by mediums, that are influenced by the pagan ways of the world.

16. Then the men set out from there, and they looked toward Sodom; and Abraham went with them to set them on their way.

(Genesis chapter 18 verse 16)

It can be noted that now that Abraham had received his confirmation from God, he remained faithful in his manifestation of loyalty to his visitors and humbly assisted his visitors on their way.

17. The LORD said, "Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do, 18 seeing that Abraham shall become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him? 19. No, for I have chosen him, that he may charge his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing righteousness and justice; so that the LORD may bring about for Abraham what he has promised him."

 (Genesis chapter 18 verses 17 to 19)

When two people become friends, there is nothing such as personal secrets, that are kept from each other. In God's case it is the same. When we start growing in our relationship with Him, He begins to gradually reveal Himself to us, as He did with Abraham and the saints who from normal individuals, grew up in their spiritual life, reaching an extremely high level of mysticism, in their relationship with God.

Others such as the prophets, grew so much in God, that He shared with them knowledge of events that had yet to take place later on in the life of God's people and even in their personal life.

20. Then the LORD said, "How great is the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah and how very grave their sin! 21 I must go down and see whether they have done altogether according to the outcry that has come to me; and if not, I will know."

(Genesis chapter 18 verses 20 to 21)

According to God the people of Sodom and Gomorrah were committing grave sins that as a consequence merited God's wrath and condemnation. This may have come as a shock to Abraham, since he was still a child in his relationship with God, whom he perceived as a loving father and not an avenger of sinful acts.

On reflecting verses twenty to twenty-one God is attributed human qualities. God has infinite knowledge and does not need to come down from heaven to be aware of our actions. Neither does He need to rely on primary or secondary sources, because God is omnipresent at every time and every place. God is able to be present at every time, and everywhere and is aware of all we do, night and day, good and bad.

22. So the men turned from there, and went toward Sodom While Abraham remained standing before the LORD. 23. Then Abraham came near and said, "Will you indeed sweep away the righteous with the wicked? 24 Suppose there are fifty righteous within the city; will you then sweep away the place and not forgive it for the fifty righteous who are in it?

(Genesis chapter 18 verses 22 to 24)

On growing in our relationship with God we start feeling more the need to spend more time with God and be with Him, as in the case of two lovers who are courting each other. Personal questions come to mind, and the two people become transparent to each other in their relationship. Abraham made probing questions to God, that otherwise nobody would have ever dared question the Will of God, if not making part of God's inner circle.

25. Far be it from you to do such a thing, to slay the righteous with the wicked, so that the righteous fare as the wicked! Far be that from you! Shall not the Judge of all the earth do what is just?"

(Genesis chapter 18 verse 25)

Moreover Abraham continues in his repertoire and questions God's justice as God and creator of heaven and earth. I can imagine how many times, like Abraham, have we questioned God's loving kindness and justice, especially at times during which we were treated unfairly and were denied of the much needed justice.

26. And the LORD said, " If I find at Sodom fifty righteous in the city, I will forgive the whole place for their sake." 27. Abraham answered, "Let me take it upon myself to speak to the Lord, I who am but dust and ashes. 28 Suppose five of the fifty righteous are lacking? Will you destroy the whole city for the lack of five?" And he said, " I will not destroy it if I find forty-five there." 29 Again he spoke to him, " Suppose forty are found there." he answered, "For the sake of forty I will not do it." 30. Then he said, "Oh do not let the Lord be angry if I speak. Suppose thirty are found there." He said let me take it upon myself to speak to the Lord. Suppose twenty are found there." He answered, "For the sake of twenty I will not destroy it." 32 Then he said, "Oh do not let the Lord be angry if I speak just once more. Suppose ten are found there." He answered, "For the sake of ten I will not destroy it." 33 And the LORD went his way, when he had finished speaking to Abraham; and Abraham returned to his place.

(Genesis chapter 18 verses 26 to 33)

On reflecting on verses 26 to 33, God's loving kindness becomes more evident. God is a God of life and not of death. He is ready to make one exception after another in order to avoid death of the soul and even the body, however on the other hand God is justice itself and cannot become corrupt in on behalf of human beings. When in dialogue with Abraham, God agrees not to destroy the city even if there were only ten just people living there, however if there were not that many, God had no other alternative but to inflict justice and give the inhabitants, the penalty for their wrong doings, which at this point are not yet mentioned in detail.

We can also observe the growth in relationship that has continued to take place between God and Abraham. God is loving patient and kind to Abraham and on reflecting even in His relationship with us. God accepts us as we are but this cannot be said in relation to our sins. His love is never ending as much as His justice.

I would like to end this chapter with the following prayer:

I would like to thank my loving Father for accepting me as I am with all my sins and shortcomings, I would also like to thank Him for making me and knowing me personally by my name. Thank you for being both loving and patient in your relationship with me your sinful servant. Many times you have made exceptions and shown mercy to me and my situations and for this I express my gratitude.

Thank You God  

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